Update: China to step up RCEP trade pact implementation

Xinhua APN
03 Dec 2020, 10:51 GMT+10

Aerial photo taken on April 8, 2020 shows the Xiaochantan dock in Yangpu, south China’s Hainan Province. As a state-level development zone established in 1992 in the northwest of Hainan, the Yangpu Economic Development Zone is expected to develop into a growth point of Hainan’s high-quality development and a pilot zone of Hainan free trade port. (Xinhua/Pu Xiaoxu)

BEIJING, Dec. 3 (Xinhua) — The State Council, China’s cabinet, has made arrangements to step up implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

More work should be done to uphold free trade and open up new space for win-win cooperation, according to a statement released Wednesday after a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang.

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