Thuần hóa trái tim mình

Chào các bạn,

Chúng ta nói về trái tim mình. Nhà Phật nói “Tâm là chủ”. Chúa Giêsu nói: “Nơi nào là kho báu của bạn, đó cũng là nơi trái tim bạn.” (For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matt 6:21).

Trái tim ta là nơi ta cần tập trung. Không phải là bất kì điều gì bên ngoài, như là hành động bên ngoài của ta, lời nói bên ngoài của ta, lời bình của thiên hạ, khen chê của thiên hạ, lời chấp nhận hay phê phán của các thầy bà tôn giáo… Continue reading Thuần hóa trái tim mình

‘Rice ATM’ feeds Vietnam’s poor amid virus lockdown

HO CHI MINH CITY (Reuters) – A Vietnamese entrepreneur in Ho Chi Minh City has invented a 24/7 automatic dispensing machine providing free rice for people out of work following an ongoing nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Rice ATM' feeds Vietnam's poor amid virus lockdown By Reuters

Vietnam has reported 262 COVID-19 cases, and no deaths so far, but as a result of a 15-day social distancing programme that began on March 31 many small businesses have been shuttered and thousands of people temporarily laid off from work.

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Chinese survey ship returns to waters off Vietnam amid virus ‘distraction’ charges

REUTERS APR 14, 2020

HANOI – A Chinese ship embroiled in a standoff with Vietnamese vessels last year has returned to waters near Vietnam as the United States accused China of pushing its presence in the South China Sea while other claimants are pre-occupied with the coronavirus.

Vietnamese vessels last year spent months shadowing the Chinese Haiyang Dizhi 8 survey vessel in resource-rich waters that are a potential global flashpoint as the United States challenges China’s sweeping maritime claims.

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Vietnam targets 7% annual GDP growth over next five years

Vietnam eyes GDP growth of 7% in next five years

HANOI, April 14 (Reuters) – Vietnam’s government said it will target annual gross domestic product growth of 7% during the 2021-2025 period, even as the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to derail global trade and production.

The Southeast Asian country’s economy grew at its slowest pace in the first quarter of this year, at 3.8%, as the new coronavirus outbreak hit economic output.

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