Know your spiritual nature

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I have written about 5 thousand tea talks (trà đàm). The real challenge is not to find 5 thousand ideas. The extreme challenge is to write 5 thousand times about 5 fundamental ideas. My friends, the truths are simple, probable only 5 truths for the entire universe – don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t kill, love all people, believe in yourself. That is exactly five.

I have written a lot, just because I want you guys and gals have something enjoyable to read each day, while I quietly remind you of the same ideas over and over again, so that hopefully someday those five ideas enter your blood and bone. Then I will consider I have accomplished a bit of my mission.

It is hard to impress upon people that they are holy. Each one of us has Buddhahood and is a Buddha in the making. Each one of us is a child of God with God’s Holy Spirit in us.

We – the entire world – have been brainwashed for thousands of years that we are bad, we are evil, we are treacherous. We believe in those negative teachings and we tell ourselves – yes, human beings are bad, evil and treacherous, so we just live and act that way.

Do you know anything about street kids? For whatever reason, they become street kids, no education, no family, living on stealing and cheating, and they believe that is their lot. They don’t see a different way, or a different future. But many kind people have been working with streets kids in VN and throughout the world, teaching street kids knowledge and living skills, giving them hope and self-confidence, and many street kids have turned in wonderful and successful citizens.

We all have been brainwashed that we are street kids, bad and no future. But we indeed have the great capital already in us. We just need to have the confidence to look at that capital and use it to live in a more relax, richer and more prosperous way, for our body and our soul.

Everyone learns and talks about self-confidence. I am truly at a loss to see world’s “self-confidence” – they talk about “self-confidence” in making money or cheating to get rich, but zero self-confidence in their Buddhahood and their holy spirit. I wouldn’t call that self-confidence, but self-distrust, self-precariousness.

My friends, we all are brainwashed, for thousands of years, into ignorant and miserable street kids. Come back to your senses, please. Look deeply into your heart – you will see the source of immense love for others, for the poor, the oppressed, the abused, the good-but-lost people, the ignorant of the world. Then you know that your original spirit is still there in tact – your Buddhahood, your holy spirit. Then you will have the self-confidence to live with your true nature – a Buddha in the making, a holy child of God.

Then you will truly be liberated from the ignorance of the world, to live on a higher platform of spirituality, for the world’s and your peace and happiness, materially and spiritually.

With compassion,


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