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Chào các bạn,

Thánh kinh có một cuốn sách tên là Ecclesiastes, công giáo dịch là Giảng Viên, đọc rất giống Phật pháp, cho đến nỗi người ta có giả thuyết tác giả nó là ai đó đã từng sang Viễn Đông (Far East) học và trở về vùng Do thái (Trung Đông, Middle East). Sau đây là một đoạn để chúng ta chiêm nghiệm (bản tiếng Việt là bản công giáo, mình chỉ thay đổi đầu đề cho hợp bản tiếng Anh).

Lời thánh kinh này đã được ban The Byrds viết thành bản nhạc “Turn! Turn! Turn!” trong thập niên 1960s. Mình có 3 clips của The Byrds, của Judy Collins, và của Bruce Springsteen với The E Street Band ở đây cho các bạn, sau đoạn thánh kinh. Continue reading Một thời cho mỗi thứ

Risk, rewards and remittances in Vietnam’s Nghe An province

(Sen Nguyen is a Vietnamese journalist – the author of this article won the 2023 Global Media Competition on Labour Migration, hosted by the International Labour Organization. Her entry, titled “Risk, rewards and remittances in Vietnam’s Nghe An province” published in Al Jazeera, was chosen out of more than 400 entries from 85 countries.)


39 Vietnamese people died being smuggled into the UK in 2019. Most were from Nghe An province.

Hoang Thi Ai holds up her phone showing a photo of her son Hoang Van Tiep, who she fears is one of the possible victims in the truck deaths in England, at her home in Dien Chau district, Nghe An province, Vietnam on Monday, Oct. 28, 2019. Families in central Vietnam continue to cling on hope for the fates of their loved ones, who might be among the dead in a truck in southern England. (AP Photo/Hau Dinh)
Hoang Thi Ai holds up her phone showing a photo of her son, Hoang Van Tiep, who she later discovered was among the 39 people who were found dead in a truck container in Essex, the UK, in 2019 [File: Hau Dinh/AP Photo]

By Sen Nguyen Published On 20 Jul 202320 Jul 2023

In late October 2019, ambulance crews in the United Kingdom were called to a scene of horror.

On a quiet road in a nondescript industrial park in Essex, the bodies of 39 people were found when the heavy steel doors of a refrigerated truck trailer were opened.

The victims had suffocated. Death came slowly as oxygen levels inside the airtight container depleted for the 28 men, eight women and three children as their attempt to be smuggled into the UK ended tragically.

The youngest were two 15-year-olds. All were from Vietnam and the majority were from one province – Nghe An.

“I’m sorry Dad and Mum,” 26-year-old Pham Thi Tra My tapped out in a final text message she composed for her parents.

“Mum, I love Dad and you so much. I’m dying because I can’t breathe … I am so sorry, Mum,” she wrote in a phone message that was widely reported on at the time.

The message was delivered long before her death was officially confirmed by police investigators in the UK.

https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/core/bridge3.609.1_en.html#goog_1289999290Play Video

Video Duration 01 minutes 41 seconds01:41Vietnamese family fears their daughter may be among Essex victims

In 2021, seven people were jailed in the UK for a total of 92 years for their role in the deaths of the 39. This week, an eighth suspect, described as a “right-hand man” in the smuggling ring, was sentenced to 12 years and seven months in prison by a UK court.

Continue reading Risk, rewards and remittances in Vietnam’s Nghe An province

The year in clean energy: Wind, solar and batteries grow despite economic challenges


Led by new solar power, the world added renewable energy at breakneck speed in 2023, a trend that if amplified will help Earth turn away from fossil fuels and prevent severe warming and its effects.

Clean energy is often now the least expensive, explaining some of the growth. Nations also adopted policies that support renewables, some citing energy security concerns, according to the International Energy Agency. These factors countered high interest rates and persistent challenges in getting materials and components in many places.

The IEA projected that more than 440 gigawatts of renewable energy would be added in 2023, more than the entire installed power capacity of Germany and Spain together.

Here’s a look at the year in solar, wind and batteries.

Continue reading The year in clean energy: Wind, solar and batteries grow despite economic challenges