Can you stand by yourself?

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

My question above means “Can you stand by yourself without leaning on someone higher?”

Maybe you are one of those who think they can stand by themselves because they think they are strong enough. But my observation is that it is extremely difficult to stand by yourself, because in life you will run into experiences that may collapse you at times. Most people don’t realize how weak they are until they face a catastrophic event much more horrendous than they can handle.

My own experience is that I cannot stand by myself. I may have an illusion about my strength once in awhile, but generally I can see cleary that my weakness conquers me easily, like angry when I know I shouldn’t, eating something when I know I shouldn’t, saying something that I know shouldn’t, worrying about something that I know I shouldn’t, fearing something that I know I shouldn’t… Too many things to name. For many years I was truggling to be better – however you want to define better – but I always felt like I didn’t move one centimeter. Seemed like the battle to better myself was naturally a losing battle. Continue reading Can you stand by yourself?