Mình có giấc mơ

Mình có giấc mơ

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Điều gì giúp bạn thông thái và khôn ngoan?

Chào các bạn,

“Thông thái hay khôn ngoan” là ý mình nói “wise, wisdom,” không phải “thông minh” (intelligent). Thông minh là thường nói về người có IQ (intelligent quotient) cao, nhưng không hẳn là khôn ngoan.

Bạn làm thế nào để thành thông thái khôn ngoan? Bạn làm thế nào để có trí tuệ sâu sắc? Continue reading Điều gì giúp bạn thông thái và khôn ngoan?

Milk Tea Alliance: Asia’s youth unite for democracy. Can it effect real change? 

CNA Insider – 24-2-2021

They are separated by geography, spanning across several localities – Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan and now Myanmar. But they are all united by a common purpose – to defy and resist authoritarian rule. Youths in some parts of Asia have formed a pan-Asian solidarity movement that operates in the virtual space, calling themselves the Milk Tea Alliance.

Through popular social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, they are pushing for democracy at home, while resisting China’s growing assertiveness as well as interference into what they see as their own internal affairs.

What exactly is ‘Milk Tea Alliance’? How did it come about and will it succeed in its overall mission to initiate democratic reforms across societies in Asia?