Responsible for the world’s health

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We see a lot of problems in the world – wars everywhere with horrendous killings and bloodshed, the strong oppressing the poor and the weak, famine and starving, injustice, exploitation, diseases surrounding the poor, migrants in the millions risking everything, including their life, to get to a rich country… So many problems the world is facing.

And many of us have the indifferent attitude: “Those things are far away. I am here. I don’t care about them.” That is the self-righteous attitude: “They have problems because they create their own problems: Whatever seed you sow, you shall eat the fruit from such seed. That has nothing to do with me.”

But, the world is a living being, and all of us are the cells of such being. The world problems that we see are only the outward symptoms of many diseases inside – the diseases in the cells of the body. Outward symptoms are only a manifestation of the internal diseases in the cells of the body, which sicken the entire body at cell level. We are the cells, the diseases are in us, in the cells, in each cell, and our sickness manifests itself in the outward appearance of world problems.

The world has wars because each of us has war in our heart.
The world has hatred because each of us has hatred in our heart.
The world has injustice because each of us is unjust in our heart.
The word has oppression because each of us is oppressive in our heart.

Thus, each of us is the ultimate cause of all world problems.

Now behold, one came and said to Jesus, “Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” So He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”

No one is good. And, because no one is good, the world is full of problems.

Do you see, Brothers and Sisters?

Each one of us is a little part of the world’s problems. Face the truth and take up your responsibility. Each of us has the duty to solve the world problems, in our little capacity.


We need to make our self clean and healthy. When our heart is clean and healthy, the world is a little cleaner and healthier. And that is our contribution to the world’s health and strength.

When we have heaven in our heart, the world has a little patch of heaven on its ground.

Each person’s contribution is tiny, but the contribution of all people around the world would be enough to cover the entire world. All the people have heaven in their heart, the world would become an immense heaven.

But don’t worry about all people’s contribution, let each one of us be concerned about his/her own contribution to the world’s health. That would be wholly sufficient to fulfill our individual duty to our world.

Wish each of us contribute well to the world’s health.

With compassion,


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