Điệu blues nhớ nhà dưới đất – Subterranean homesick blues

500 Greatest Songs of All Times

Chào các bạn,

Đây là bài hát được Bob Dylan sáng tác và trình diễn, thu âm vào ngày 14-1-1965, khi anh 24 tuổi.

Tên bài hát – Subterranean homesick blues – được cho là lấy cảm hứng từ cuốn tiểu thuyết Subterraneans của Jack Kerouac, xuất bản năm 1958, nói về Thế hệ Beat (Beat Generation). Continue reading Điệu blues nhớ nhà dưới đất – Subterranean homesick blues

Expand your horizon

Dear Brothers and Sisters

“Expand your horizon” means “Have a broader view of the world around you.” I have talked about this very often here in ĐCN.

Your generation is way different from your parents’generation. Today the world is a village – countries and people connecting togerther in a network called global village. Everything happens to one person in the village also affects others in the village. Say, some accident happens in Coca Cola USA may affect all the Coca Cola branches around the world and the pockets of billions of consumers. Continue reading Expand your horizon

In bad faith – 3 parts

Hinduism, Weaponised: A Secular India Under Threat | In Bad Faith – Part 1 | CNA Documentary

CNA – Insider 9-4-2022

We investigate the reasons behind the weaponisation of Hinduism by the Rastriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a right-wing, paramilitary volunteer organisation that aims to create a Hindu Rashtra – a subcontinent only for the Hindus.

From supporting cow vigilantes in Rajasthan attacking Muslim cattle traders to spreading Islamophobia across RSS-backed television stations, why understand why India’s secular fabric is under threat. Continue reading In bad faith – 3 parts