Hãy Nhớ

Danh ngôn thực sự là “food for the soul” nguồn dinh dưỡng cho tâm hồn của mọi người.

Lâu rồi mình không dịch danh ngôn mà chỉ đọc những câu hay từ Đông Vy và Phạm Kiêm Yến.

Hôm nay nhân lục lại mấy câu danh ngôn dịch ngày trước để chia sẻ với một người bạn, mình gửi đến các bạn của Đọt Chuối Non một file video gồm 25 câu của nhiều tác giả với chủ đề Hãy Nhớ .

File video do ROSEINBLUE tạo, hình ảnh từ nhiều nguồn trên mạng.

Nhạc nền : bài Cavatina của nhà soạn nhạc Stanley Myers trong phim The Deer Hunter (đã được Loan giới thiệu ngày 15/6 )

Mong rằng một vài câu danh ngôn này có thể là chủ đề trong Daily English Discussion của các bạn

Chúc các bạn vui khi đọc danh ngôn với hình ảnh và thưởng thức lại một bản guitar

When life has you feeling down, keep these words in mind.
Khi cuộc đời khiến bạn chán nản, xin ghi nhớ những lời này

Don’t let life discourage you, everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was. (Richard L. Evans)
Đừng để cuộc đời làm bạn chán nản, những người đến được chỗ hôm nay đã phải bắt đầu ở một nơi trước đó

Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage.
(William Ellery Channing)
Khó khăn có tác dụng kích thích, chứ không phải làm nản lòng

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.
(William James)
Hãy tin rằng cuộc đời đáng sống và niềm tin của bạn sẽ giúp điều ấy hiện thực.

Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength. ( Sigmund Freud)
Từ những thương tổn của bạn sẽ nảy sinh nghị lực kiên cường.

Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Hãy tận dụng hết sức mình, vì đó là tất cả những gì bạn có.

Feelings are much like waves, we can’t stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf. (Jonatan Martensson)
Cảm xúc như sóng trào, ta không thể ngăn chúng, nhưng ta có thể chọn cảm xúc nào để lướt.

Happiness is where we find it, but rarely where we seek it.
(J. Petit Senn)
Hạnh phúc là ở nơi ta tìm ra nó, mà hiếm khi ở nơi ta săn đuổi nó

Don’t miss the flower because it lost its bloom, rather look forward to the spring when its beauty shall return yet again.(Samantha Pickreign)
Đừng tiếc hoa khi đã tàn hương sắc, mà hãy mong đến mùa xuân hoa lại đẹp thắm tươi
When all else is lost, the future still remains. (Christian Nevell Boyee)
Khi tất cả mất đi, thì tương lai vẫn còn đó

Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while , so that we can see Life with a clearer view again. (Alex Tan)
Có lẽ mắt của ta đôi khi cần rửa bằng lệ, để ta lại có thể nhìn Cuộc Đời bằng quan điểm trong sáng hơn.

Just don’t give up.
Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong. (Ella Fitzgerald)
Đừng bỏ cuộc. Ở đâu có tình yêu và cảm hứng, tôi cho rằng ở đó bạn không thể sai lầm.

Whatever does not destroy me, makes me stronger. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche).
Bất cứ cái gì không huỷ hoại tôi, đều khiến tôi mạnh mẽ hơn.

Just remember, the only people not making mistakes are those who aren’t doing anything. (Tim W Welborn)
Xin nhớ rằng những kẻ duy nhất không phạm lỗi là những người chẳng đang làm gì hết.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. (Theodore Roosevel).
Hãy làm những gì bạn có thể, với những gì bạn có, dù ở đâu.

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. (John Heywood )
Với một trái tim tự nguyện chẳng có gì không thể

I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning to sail my ship. (Louisa May Alcott)
Tôi không sợ bão tố, vì tôi đang học lái con thuyền đời tôi

You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.
(Charles F. Kettering)
Bạn không thể có một ngày mai tốt đẹp hơn nếu bạn luôn nghĩ về hôm qua
Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see the shadows. (Helen Keller)
Ngẩng mặt về phía ánh mặt trời, bạn sẽ không thể thấy bóng tối.

Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die.
Life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly
(Langston Hughes)
Giữ chặt những ước mơ.
Vì nếu ước mơ tàn,
Đời như chim gãy cánh,
làm sao có thể bay,

Success is not final, failure is not fatal :it is the courage to continue that counts (Winston Churchill)

Thành công không phải là cuối cùng, thất bại không phải là số mệnh, Chính sự dũng cảm để tiếp tục mới quan trọng.

Though no one can go back and make a brand -new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand – new ending ( Carl Bard)
Mặc dù không ai có thể quay ngược thời gian và tạo một khởi đầu mới, nhưng ai cũng có thể bắt đầu từ bây giờ và tạo đươc một kết thúc mới mẻ

To know the road ahead, ask those coming back. (Chinese proverb)
Để biết đuờng trước mặt, hãy hỏi những ai đang quay về

Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine. (Mario Fernandez)
Hãy vượt lên trên bão tố và bạn sẽ tìm thấy ánh dương

When the world says, “ Give up, “ Hope whispers,” Try it one more time.”(Unknown author)
Khi đời bảo “Từ bỏ “. Hi vọng thì thầm: “Hãy thử môt lần nữa”

28 thoughts on “Hãy Nhớ”

  1. Những câu danh ngôn mà Cô chia sẻ cùng bạn đọc thật thú vị và bổ ích.
    Em thích nhất 2 câu:
    1. Don’t miss the flower because it lost its bloom, rather look forward to the spring when its beauty shall return yet again.(Samantha Pickreign)
    Đừng tiếc hoa khi đã tàn hương sắc, mà hãy mong đến mùa xuân hoa lại đẹp thắm tươi
    2. Though no one can go back and make a brand -new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand – new ending ( Carl Bard)
    Mặc dù không ai có thể quay ngược thời gian và tạo một khởi đầu mới, nhưng ai cũng có thể bắt đầu từ bây giờ và tạo đươc một kết thúc mới mẻ
    Chúc Cô và ĐCN luôn tươi thắm và có nhiều mới mẻ.


  2. Có lý khi vừa đọc danh ngôn chọn lọc vừa nghe một bản guitar hay, nhưng hình như thấy thiếu pop và lời cho cuối tuần.
    Cám ơn chị nhiều.


  3. When you are discoraged and hopeless because you has an unhappy past and you seem to lose everything.It’s good to have a person who will tell you that:”when all else is lost,the future stills remains”by
    Christian Nevell Boyee.
    It is said that the past not only brings happiness,success but also failure and hard.The life is not always pink.Sometimes, you can have difficulties , you want to give up because you can’t find the entrance.You don’t know what to do.You can be going to the wrong way.You can’t always sit in the shadow.I suggest that you should calm down,live optimisticaly and think about a better future.
    Don’t scare the past,you must be bravier to go straight.Living in the past just makes you boring and weaker.Yesterday is the past and tomorrow is the future which all of us are given.The past goes away and the future comes.The past falls short of our expectations,you must try to forget the past and begin a new thing. You could lose everything in the past but in future there are many opportunities waitting for you.We believe in a bright future.How the past is ,we never stop to hope….because when all else is lost,the future stills remains


  4. @ HongVu,
    Chỉ vì mùa này mình bận. Sẽ thu xếp thời gian khoa học hơn.
    Cám ơn đã ghé chơi và để lại một lời động viên.


  5. @ Ngoan,
    Em thích hai câu đó nhất coi như vào chơi ở ĐCN là hợp cảnh, hợp tình, nhưng cô mong và chờ khi em rảnh hơn giúp nhân rộng cái thích ấy ra nhé. Thích cho mình – Hành động – Tác Động lên người khác….. 🙂

    @ Thu Trang,
    Thanks for your posting to give me your feedback.
    The quote you’ve chosen as your favorite is very interesting.
    I think I can help you with some minor grammatical mistakes in your writing. Read my email tonight.
    Have fun.


  6. During our life, we can be a successful men or women or we have nothing. With me, whatever we have
    “Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die.
    Life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly” (Langston Hughes)
    Although we have no family, no friends, no money… nothing, we always have dreams. Life without dreams is very humdrum. Dreams help us find out our targets and give support to us to reach them. Sometimes, dream is just a simple wish, but with somebody, dream is not just that. This is ambition. That’s why we live.
    We can lose everything, but we cannot give up our dreams. Life is still beautiful when we have dreams. But when we stop dreaming, everything is going to dark. We don’t know what to do, don’t know why we have to try, we don’t really live, like Shakespeare says “to be or not to be”. Life is a bird, free bird, we don’t dream means we break its wings. And it cannot fly away no longer. At that time, life is just a prison and we won’t know how beautiful it can be. Success is not the final, we cannot succeed but if we still dream, we have hope. Otherwise, we are just the failure, no more.
    Dreams are inside us, nobody can take it away. So, even we have nothing, just dream. We dream means we live.


  7. @ThuyLinh,
    It’s great because you like the poem and share your appreciation in a rather good writing.
    Dreams by L. Hughes is, in fact, one of my favorite poems
    I first read it when I was 17 years old, in the first year at university.
    It has still fascinated me so far. I guess you know why.
    Only a few mistakes in your writing need to be corrected
    You’ll read my email tomorrow morning.
    Have a good night’s sleep. 😀

    By the way, here is the whole poem:

    Hold fast to dreams
    For if dreams die
    Life is a broken-winged bird
    That cannot fly.
    Hold fast to dreams
    For when dreams go
    Life is a barren field
    Frozen with snow.


  8. “Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage”
    I really like this quote because of its truth. Difficulties always be a part of life, so everybody has already been in them. And I am sure that many people were discouraged by difficulties. But, if we look at the difficulties in another direction, we will recognize that the difficulties just actually make us grow up. In fact, when you are in difficulties, you may fail or succeed, but you will have more experience about life. So, when you are in difficulties, you should be calm, find out the way to solve them; do not discourage, because “Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage”.


  9. em lam xong hom qua roi, nhung lai dang ben trang cua chu Hoanh, bay gio em moi dang ben nay




  11. @Đình Nguyên,
    It’s interesting to practice writing English, especially to discuss a good, inspirational topic. Don’t worry about your mistakes. “Uncle” Hoành has given you some positive feedback. It’s great, isn’t it?
    Your maiden writing for discussion is quite good as you’ve had only 3 years of English at a junior school.
    Tell you parents that I hope all of you will have a lot of fun and positive thinking from this website.
    Nice day!


  12. Just remember, the only people not making mistakes are those who aren’t doing anything. (Tim W Welborn)
    In life, from rich people to poor people, from famous people to normal people…everyone has made mistakes. Mistake is a part of life, a difficulty so as to challenge us.
    People just exist when they live,work and help other people be better. And in this process, they make mistake. Making mistake is not the most important thing, the most important thing is :”You have to stand up yourselves, make mistakes into experience, and you will become firmer and more mature”.
    In this world, nobody’s perfect, everyone has made mistakes. And the only people not making mistakes are those who aren’t doing anything. Those people don’t really exist, and if they exist, they have been critical only.
    Making mistakes is not a derisive matter, it’s a lesson, it helps us collect needed experience

    Everybody makes mistakes
    Everybody has those days
    Everybody knows that, what I’m talking bout
    Everybody gets that way
    (From a song named “Nobody’s perfect”-Hannah Montana)


  13. this’s my second writing, plz show me my mistakes so as to improve my English writing. Thanks


  14. Everyone has their own ways to show feelings. But few people want to cry.
    I often think about crying. Babies always cries easily , but as we grow we dont cry. If we do, we feel embarrassed. Because we think crying shows our weakness. So as our emotions travel through our cognitive system, they are filtered by our brain. Bút i must remind that: We are not stone ! Sometines we must cry. Cry and we’ll feel better. But just sometimes..
    Alex tan said: Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while , so that we can see Life with a clearer view again.

    Hình như em làm bị lạc đề


  15. Cô ơi, anh Tuấn Hưng đi công tác rồi, còn chị Ngoan đi học phải không ạ?

    Em tuy ở xa cô và anh chị, nhưng cô đề nghị là em thấy vẩn rất hiệu lực.

    Em sẽ cố gắng và vui vẻ góp mặt vào mục này hổ trợ cô. Hì hì ( “dù gì cũng không phụ lòng cô mà”)

    À em phải cám ơn cô cho em nghe lại mấy bài tình ca của D.R. cô ạ. >:D<

    Đệ tử của cô ngày xưa và sẽ là mãi mãi 😡


  16. @ jea_alone,

    I ‘ve read your writing about the quote by Alex Tan, “Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while , so that we can see Life with a clearer view again. ”
    I don’t think you wandered off the point. You mentioned crying as part of the theme , for example, crying is a must, and we feel better after crying. However, you seem to have missed the other part of the quote. Why do we sometimes have to cry so that we can see LIFE with a clearer view again.
    Also, you could avoid these grammar mistakes .

    About the use of verbs : Babies always cry , not cries

    It is better to say : Babies cry a lot/ easily, but adults don’t.

    Be careful with your punctuation to write in a clear style.
    ” I must remind you that we are not stone/ stones.
    You can’t omit the object “you” . Nor can you end the sentence with an exclamation point.

    A one – clause sentence like this is wrong, ” Because we think crying shows our weakness. ” as it is a dependent clause.
    That’s it.
    But please don’t worry about your mistakes

    @ bazanxanhmai,
    Thật hay nếu hàng ngày em có thể giúp các bạn trẻ thấy sai sót của mình để sửa bài tốt hơn nnhé
    Cám ơn em . 😀


  17. Life is not always beautiful. Sometimes it makes you feel despond, you blame yourselves and want to give up all things that you have made because of your failures or mistakes in the past. But you need to understand one thing:
    When the world says, “Give up”, Hope whispers, “Try it one more time”.
    Failure, it doesn’t mean that you get rid of it, but simply that you have to try more. It helps you find out your mistakes and draw experience from them. Only when you fail, hope comes to you. Life is wonderful when you hope. In the other side, if you don’t hope, you won’t know what your purpose is, what you are trying to reach or what you are living for…
    Hope is the special thing that perches in the people’s soul. It encourages them to work harder to go near and get their successes as they want and it will never be disappeared. You stop hoping, it means you lose many precious things in this world…
    Never giving up, try to do your best to get whatever you want. That’s the purpose of your life.


  18. Though no one can go back and make a brand -new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand – new ending ( Carl Bard)
    Mặc dù không ai có thể quay ngược thời gian và tạo một khởi đầu mới, nhưng ai cũng có thể bắt đầu từ bây giờ và tạo đươc một kết thúc mới mẻ.

    Life won’t be itself if there aren’t any difficult times when you are very disappointed and wish to turn back the time. At that time, just remember “ though no-one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending” ( Carl Bard)
    Anyone can make mistakes…the only problem is that not everyone could do the right thing after such mistakes.There are those who will try their best to recover lost time and achieve some certain success. On the other hand, there are those who will almost fail to do this. They will unfailing live in the past, the successful past as it will give them the comfort in their mind…It is not a wise choice without any doubt.One friend of mine said” Just losers think much about the past” I very muck like it and consider it as my way of living…When you fail, just smile and pass it as no one can turn back the time, just let the failure beautifies your life.
    So now , why do you regret what happened while you can start from now to make a brand-new ending of everything in hand? Don’t let anything or anyone manages your life , just do it. The success will come to to you soon, in the future, not in the past……..


  19. To Bảo Quyên and crazyboy0309.
    It’s great you both have good writings.
    Crazyboy shows us an effective discussion

    Here I just remind you of some grammar points and word usage
    +feel despond? despond is an incorrect word : you mean feel despondent ( unhappy) or discouraged
    ” Sometimes it makes you feel despond, you blame yourselves and want to give up all things that you have made because of your failures or mistakes in the past.”

    + Be careful with punctuation. You can’t use a comma to join 2 clauses as you did in the above sentence
    Use inversion in the main clause if you put “Only when” at the beginning of the sentence
    Only when you fail, hope comes to you
    It can be paraphrased in this way:
    Only when you fail, will hope give you a miracle

    I will be very happy to give you my detailed feedback . Check your email before bedtime, Quyên

    Don’t use a gerund (V-ing) after never
    Never give up and try to do your best to get what you want.
    I’ll tell you more in my email.

    @ crazyboy
    You’ve made just a couple of mistakes like this
    Don’t let anything or anyone manages your life, just do it
    You have the same problem of using a comma to join 2 clauses, at least in two sentences. I think you can find them and correct them yourself.
    Let somebody do something.
    Don’t let anything or anyone manage/ control your life . You yourself must do it.

    Can you use “unfailing” in this sentence?
    He will unfailing live in the past.
    You should paraphrase this as well
    “They will unfailing live in the past, the successful past as it will give them the comfort in their mind…”
    That’s it


  20. Anyone can make mistakes (but) the only problem is that not everyone (can) do the right thing after such mistakes. There are those who will try their best to recover lost time and achieve some certain success. On the other hand, there are those who will almost fail to do this. They will (unfailingly) live in the past, the successful past as it will make them feel much better.
    thanks for your comments….I think this paragraph is much better!


  21. In a nice morning,you woke up.You smiled.It would be a lucky day with you,you thought.But all things weren’t in the way you had hoped they would be.You failed in the examination.You got bad mark on the English test.You lost your keys.Your parents got angry with you.Your application for a small job in a magazine for teen was denied though your interview last week had been very good.You called to your friends but nobody wanted to talk with you.Your sky was grey.All of the best things were knocked down.There was no light to shine on you,no way for you to go.You tried.Try your best.But all you received:nothing.You received nothing!.You had belelived in yourself,but then,you thought you were so bad.You were a failure?But do you know,my friend:
    No success without sweat, without tears,no success without bitterness,without trying.You failed?Why don’t you try again.One,two,three…even thousand times you have to try.You know about Edison,don’t you?How much time he had failed but he never gave up.And as you know,he brought for our human life many marvelous inventions.You must try.You couldn’t give your dream up.Way is still long.You have to run on that way you chose..You made mistakes,you feel ashamed.You don’t dare to face it.You’re the sissy.Be bravier.You should see the mistakes as your experience..Go ahead.You’ll see your beautiful life.You can take your future.Everything will fade but you’re your belief remains.Life is difficult.You’ll cross the stream though it is not easy.Why do you live in this life?What is the meaning of the life?How could you pass through many hardships?Where will your ship go?Only you can answer these questions,and I know you can.Believe in yourself and always say “I can”.Make your dream come true.Face and solve all troubles perfectlyAlways keep your wings spreading.
    William James said:Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.
    The poorest man is not without a cent, but without a dream.Will you be a rich man?


  22. In lives, you always have to choose one way as you are in the turning point. But it seems that we aren’t always right. When you make a mistake, everything goes wrong with that. You feel like noone or nothing ares standing by you. You see everything with your dark eyes and all good things come to an end. But if you “Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see the shadows (Helen Keller)”.

    Only just the hope and courage can make you look on a bright side. Don’t look at the pass, keep believing in yourself and you will see the world just easier. everything can be lost but hope. hope can erase all sorrows in your mind, reflesh it and bring some belief. That is only a small thing when you are normal but a huge thing when you are in desperate. Just what you think can drive you into a right way

    xin lỗi cô vì em không post bài sớm. mấy bữa nay em mới thi đấu về. mong cô sửa giùm em


  23. I’m not afraid of storms, for i’m learning to sail my ship (Louisa May Alcott) – “tôi không sợ bão tố vì tôi đang học lái con thuyền đời tôi”.
    Life is the most challenge we face. To succeed in our life is not easy and we all have failed so many times to get an achivement. “But nothing in life is to be feared. It’s only to be understood” (Marie Curie) – “Cuộc sống không có gì khiến ta phải sợ hãi. Cuộc sống chỉ là để ta tìm hiểu và khám phá”. Whenever we fail, it’s time when we learn more about what life has waiting for us. And this isn’t the end. Believe that there is nothing nice that life gives us,we all have to make it ourselves. Don’t be sad when you fail, because you was born to live, to smile and also to cry. Our ship is drifting and day by day it is being filled with experiences we have obtained. Thus, don’t be so hesitant to face up to any difficulties or obstacles, be so strong to overcome them and we will take what we want, I believe this. We are all on our own ways to reach the other side of the ocean, so we try our best to fight the storms and darkness or else we will die, we all know that. Don’t be scared ’cause the brighter morning is waiting for us, the more utmost we do, the more pride we take when we succeed. Let’s sail the ship to a new horizon where happiness is waiting and remember that we must not afraid of storms.


  24. Once upon a time , there was a little guy living in a little house with his parents who didn’t know the alphabet. Because of his family was very poor, he wasn’t studied in good condition.When he was 9, he suffered from his mom’s death . And when he was an adjust , he continued having bad luck He didn’t success in the business twice when he was 22 and 25 years old. Then , in many years , he tried to run for vice president but..he failed again! A lot of people when they heard of this news , they laughed at him and said that he was impossible to be a vice president or a president as well. He didn’t care what they said , he just only tried his best , although he had failed many many times…Finally , all of his attemp was successful. At the age of 51 , he was a Sixteenth President of the USA , after a lot of failure, attempt and some “magic”…Maybe you don’t believe this story but it was true! It wasn’t a fairy tale. The man in this story is Abraham Lincoln !!! Although he had a sad childhood , failed many times in life , but he never gave up . To attain his aim , he had to change many things , from his youth to his sweats , and tears . His life reminds me of the very famous quote of Louisa May Alcott : “ I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning to sail my ship” . So whenever you feel desperate , don’t afraid of it and remind of Mr.Lincoln !
    P/S: Mặc dù biết bài luận này lạc đề nhưng cháu vẫn mong cô (chú) sửa những chỗ sai để cháu khắc phục. Cháu cảm ơn


  25. Happiness is where we find it, but rarely where we seek it.
    To me, it means that happiness is something unexpected. We don’t always know what will really make us happy.
    You may think that you know what will make you happy, but sometimes when you get it, it doesn’t.
    its like when you stop “trying” to achieve happiness and just take take to be okay hapiness will finally come to you
    Then there are other times when you are not looking for happiness, and have no expectations, and those are the things that sometimes make us the happiest!


  26. Hi everybody,
    I’m terribly sorry for my “absence”. I’m away from home. So I’ll have my feedback when I’m back to my home town. I promise


  27. Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage.
    (William Ellery Channing)
    In our life, we always have to cope with many difficulties. Like our parents work hard every day to grub the family. Difficult lives makes us keep trying more to bring happiness to our families. Students also have to try at their preparations. Difficulties are meant to rouse, so if we get over them we shall be stronger and more chances will come with us.
    Em biết bài viết này chưa hay, cũng chưa mạch lạc, và chắc hẳn cũng còn nhiều lỗi sai, mong mọi người giúp sửa chữa để em có thể rút ra được nhiều kinh nghiệm hơn trong việc viết luận. Em cảm ơn.


  28. Hi Bun, xecupi_cuong, AnhThu, Ngoc Tram, Green and ThaoVi
    I’m home and ready to give you my feedback
    I find it easier and more helpful to give my suggestions and comments by email. I think in this way I can tell you more. So you should check your mail box tonight. Then if there’s something you want to ask, just jot it down.
    Thank you for your active participation. 😀


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